The following method has been tested to work on both Server 2003 and Server 2008 Domain Controllers
- Download SRVANY and INSTSRV, which are part of the Windows 2003 Resource Kit
- Ensure you have the Directory Service Restore Mode Administrator
password, restart the server in Directory Service Restore Mode, and log
in as administrator
- If you do not have have the Administrator Password, you can attempt to get it through one of these methods
- Create the folder: C:\reset\
- Copy srvany.exe, instsrv, and cmd.exe(Located in C:\system32) to the C:\reset\
- Open a command prompt and enter the following commands
- CD “C:\reset”
- instsrv PassRecovery “C:\reset\srvany.exe”
- Run regedit.exe and navigate to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\PassRecovery
- Create a subkey called: Parameters
- Create a new string value (REG_SZ)
- Name: Application
- Value: C:\reset\cmd.exe
- Create a new string value (REG_SZ) where <password> is the desired password (Must Meet Password Policy Requirements)
- Name: AppParameters
- Value: /k net user administrator <password> /domain
- Create a new string value (REG_SZ)
- Open Services and Open the Properties for the PassRecovery Service
- On the General tab, ensure the startup type is Automatic
- On the Log On tab, ensure the option is checked to: Allow service to interact with desktop
- Restart the server normally, and log in with the password you specified
- Uninstall SRVANY by entering the following commands at a command prompt:
- net stop PassRecovery
- sc delete PassRecovery
- Delete C:\reset\
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