
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Office 2016 Client Software License Management Tool

Office 2016 Client Software License Management Tool

Office 2016
  • For 32 bit Windows:
    cscript “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus
  • For 64 bit Windows:
    cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus
cscript ospp.vbs /Option:Value ComputerName User Password
     ComputerName: Name of remote computer. If a computer name is not passed local computer is used.
     User: Account with required privilege on remote computer.
     Password: Password for the account. If a User account and password are not passed current credentials are used.
     Value: Required for outlined options.

Global /Options
Activate installed Office product keys.
Install a product key (replaces existing key) with user-provided product key. Value parameter applies.
Uninstall an installed product key with user-provided partial product key (as displayed by the /dstatus option). Value parameter applies.
Install a license with user-provided path to the .xrm-ms license. Value parameter applies.
Display license information for installed product keys.
Display license information for installed licenses.
Display MAK/Retail activation failure history.
Display installation ID for offline activation.
Activate product with user-provided confirmation ID. Value parameter applies.
Reset the licensing status for all installed Office product keys.
Reset the licensing status for an Office license with user provided SKUID value (as displayed by the /dstatus opton). Value parameter applies.
Display the description for a user-provided error code. Value parameter applies.
KMS client /Options
Display KMS client activation history.
Display KMS client machine ID (CMID).
Set a KMS host name with user-provided host name. Value parameter applies.
Set a KMS port with user-provided port number. Value parameter applies.
Remove KMS host name (sets port to default).
Permit or deny KMS host caching. Value parameter applies (TRUE or FALSE).
Set volume activation type. Value parameter applies. (Windows 8 and above support only)
Values: 1 (for AD) or 2 (for KMS) or 3 (for Token) or 0 (for all).
Set the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. This setting has no effect if the specific single KMS host is set via /sethst option. Value parameter applies. (Windows 8 and above support only)
Clear the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. The specific KMS host will be used if set via /sethst option. Otherwise default KMS auto-discovery will be used. (Windows 8 and above support only)
Token /Options
Display installed token-based activation issuance licenses.
Uninstall an installed token-based activation issuance license with user-provided license id (as displayed by the /dtokils option). Value parameter applies.
Set token-based activation only flag. (Windows 7 support only)
Clear token-based activation only flag. (Windows 7 support only)
Display token-based activation certificates.
Token activate with a user-provided thumbprint (as displayed by the /dtokcerts option) and a user-provided PIN (optional). Value parameter applies.
Prior to running ospp.vbs ensure that:
Windows firewall allows WMI traffic on remote computer.
You have or pass credentials with required permissions on remote computer.
Cmd.exe is elevated (right click > Run as administrator).
Sample Usage
cscript ospp.vbs /act  'Activate Office on local computer.
cscript ospp.vbs /act mypc1  'Activate Office on remote computer mypc1 with current credentials.
cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:MFKXT-F6DT2-THMRV-KDWH2-TCDTC  'Install an Office product key on local computer.
cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:\\myserver\licenses\tail.xrm-ms 'Install license on local computer.
cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"\\myserver\work licenses\office2016 tail.xrm-ms" mypc1 'Install license on remote computer mypc1. Note the path is enclosed in "" since the value contains spaces.
cscript ospp.vbs /ddescr:0xC004F009 'Display the description for error code.
cscript ospp.vbs /actype:1 'Set volume activation type to Active Directory only.
/Token only
cscript ospp.vbs /rtokil:4476b20e 'Uninstall an issuance license with license ID.
cscript ospp.vbs /tokact:96DE6755ABE0BC7D398E96C3AA3C7BFE8B565248 'Token activate with thumbprint.
cscript ospp.vbs /tokact:56AE6755AAB0BC7D398E96C3AA3C7BFE8B565256:54344 'Token activate with thumbprint & PIN.

6 nhận xét:

Unknown said...


Go to . I must thank them! My Windows 10 Education Product Key just activated and worked well, they do provide the warmest customer service i ever met.
because of employees like , i will refer everyone to this site.


Unknown said...


I'd like to give a strong recommendation for ( OFFICE 2016 PRODUCT KEY ) for Microsoft keys and software.
I was looking for a Windows 10 Pro Product Key copy, and from experience I've come to understand that buying online is actually a lot cheaper than for instance in my local store.. So I somehow ended up on san-kom but it seemed a bit, well, not reliable?.. So I made much reaseach on this site. No negitive feedback.
I decided to give it a try, found the cheapest ever copy, put the copy in cart and started the checkout. From here on it actually went alot easier, I paid with paypal and about 1hrs i recieved my key in email, and about 5 mins later a download link for the ISO file. The key worked perfectly! surprise surprise, its legit!..I sent the customer support a thank you message, and they responded immediatly. Kudos!
I will definitely come back to their website again!


Unknown said...

Please activate my Micro Office Pro Plus 2016...I tried for two days, but 0. call 952 294 5412.

Unknown said...


It's not legal to activate your Windows 10 key without a product key. It is not as difficult as you image to solve this problem. Why not just buy a genuine product from theMicrosoft official site or its partner site . Same product and lower price with more effective service and support. This is my personal experience and hope this also can help you.


Office 2016 PRODUCT KEY

My computer arrived at yesterday. I needed a genuine Windows 10 key at a great price. made it happen!
However, I was quite skeptical at them since their price seemed too good to trust. So I tried searching for them on google but with little success.
But I decided to give it a try. I paid with PayPal, and received my key in 20mins!!! I tried the key and it worked!
They exhibited sooooo quick customer service. They are a certified Microsoft partner and a great source for Microsoft, Adobe, Rosetta Stone and other products. Waste no time looking elsewhere.

Office 2016 PRODUCT KEY

Unknown said...

Windows 10 Product Keys

Hi, if you want to activate Windows Server 2016 Product Keys, you need to have a product key. Don't worry if you don't have. It's very simple and convenient to search a product key on the professional site . Get the product key and then activate your OS step by step. Hope this can help you.

Use the coupon code "KEYHOME099" to take an extra 10% discount.

Windows 10 Product Keys

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