
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Administrator: Recertify user's ID

A user has a Notes ID that has an expired certificate. These steps are performed by the server administrator to correct the user's expired ID.

  1. After obtaining the user ID, you (as the administrator) launch the Lotus® Domino® Administration client.

  2. Open the Configuration tab, expand Certification (located on the right hand pane) and select Certify.

  3. Select the Certifier ID file.

  4. From the Choose Certifier ID dialog box, select the O or OU certifier that was originally used to certify the user ID.

  5. Enter the password for the certifier ID.

  6. From the Choose ID to Certify dialog box, select the user ID to be recertified.

  7. Enter the password for user ID to be recertified.

  8. [Optional] In the Certify ID dialog box, you may set or change the following:
    Registration server, expiration date of the certifier and password length.

  9. Click Certify.
    The Status window displays:
    Updating address book entry for username/org
    Successfully updated address book entry for username/org
    Username/org successfully certified

  10. Choose "No" when you receive the following dialog box:
    Would you like to certify another?

  11. Provide the newly-recertified ID file to the user.

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